Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First post in a while - Pete Rose back in??


Saw the entire Sanchez no-no...unreal - I realized about the 5th inning or so that I'd never seen a no-hitter before live - ever. Not on TV or in person. What an experience. I started getting really nervous and sweaty about the 7th inning, and was on my feet (at home, mind you) for the ninth. Very cool. Then I was at home randomly a few days later and caught the last 2 innings of the Buerhlie perfecto, that included one of the best catches I've ever seen...climbs the wall to steal a homer then juggles it on the way down - and he just was inserted in the game in the 9th! Can't imagine sitting for 8 perfect innings and then coming in for the 9th - that's a pro for ya.

Then tonight, I'm watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann (Howard Dean filling in - talk about DNCTV!) and Keith is at the Hall-of-Fame talking about how Pete Rose is seriously going to get reinstated becuase Hank Aaron and some other HOFers are pressuring good ole Bud to let him back in. Reasoning is that its (betting on the games) not as bad as 'roiding up. Please. Its not even close - there is flat no integrity in the games if you aren't sure who playing their hardest and who's taking a dive. Not a coincidence that even though some sports are hard-core against drugs and roids, and some aren't, they ALL have a zero-tolerance rule for betting.

Bud - if you're reading this (and if you are, tell your friends and maybe we can get 4 people reading it) stick to your guns. No one is saying Pete Rose can't open a baseball school, write books, appear on ESPN/FOX, write for SI, coach a Little League team, or heck, even be the biggest Little League booster out there. Point is, no one is stopping him from being involved in 'baseball.' You just can't be a MLB manager or be in the HOF. Sorry. All this push and pressure to 'pardon' him just smacks to me of pride and arrogance on his part. He doesn't care about being involved in baseball - he just wants to stick it to all those who've kept him out of the HOF.

Ok - going to bed. One final thought - the whole 'Panda' thing with Pablo is officially the stupidest thing ever. Never thought I'd say that after the Rally Monkey and Thunderstix, but if I have to see another Panda mask on an idiot fan, I'm going to puke...